The Lisa Wexler Show is a live weekday radio show airing in Connecticut and Metro NY on WICC 600AM & 107.3FM. Subscribers have access to the entire show uploaded daily, including rants, monologues, callers and interviews. Talk Radio, real and unfiltered. Our mission? To empower you to make a difference, one conversation at a time. No ads for subscribers!

The Lisa Wexler Show+


The Whole Show

Hear the entire show uploaded daily for the past year, without commercials. Get the rants, the callers, the whole megillah.

What’s included:

All Features of the “Lite” plan


Access to the ENTIRE Lisa Wexler Show, every new show

Access to the last 12 month’s worth of Shows


Lisa “Lite”

What’s included:

Recent Guest Interview Podcasts

Weekly Newsletter


Lisa Wexler’s Archives

Archived Show Subscribers can access curated shows over a year old. Hear Lisa's chats with celebs and so many others, all the way back to 2006. For history buffs, nostalgia lovers, and Lisa fans.

What’s included:

All the Features of the Lisa Wexler Show Plan


Access to many past Shows

(2006 → Today!)